

Bible in Basic English

Language: [eng]EnglishEnglish
Dialect:simple British 
Title:Bible in Basic EnglishBible in Basic English
Abbreviation:BBEID: ENGBBE or engBBE
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The Bible in Basic English

For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life.

—John 3:16

Bible in Basic English

The Bible in Basic English

Public Domain
Language: English
Dialect: simple British
Translation by: Samuel Henry Hooke

The Bible In Basic English was printed in 1965 by Cambridge Press in England. Published without any copyright notice and distributed in America, this work fell immediately and irretrievably into the Public Domain in the United States according to the UCC convention of that time. A call to Cambridge prior to placing this work in etext resulted in an admission of this fact.
